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Exporting MSSQL tables to CSV/JSON

Posted on:December 20, 2023 at 07:27 PM

MSSQL doesn’t provides any straightforward CLI utilties to export data in common formats like CSV or JSON. To tackle this, I developed a script using polars library in Python.

import polars as pl

HOST = "" # URL/IP Address of your server
PORT = 1433
DB = "master" # Add your DB name here

# === Sensitive Info ===
# Ensure that your username and password are URL encoded.
# See the following issue.
# Example: If your password is User#123, then you have to ensure that # is encoded
# Ultimately, you'll set
# PASS = "User%23123"
# where %23 is URL encoding of #
USER = "your username here"
PASS = "your password here"
# === Sensitive Info ===

conn_str = f"mssql+pymssql://{USER}:{PASS}@{HOST}:{PORT}/{DB}"

query = "SELECT *  FROM Mytable";

out = pl.read_database_uri(query=query, uri=conn_str)
out.write_json('merged-view.json', row_oriented=True)